Etchinghill GC Fri 25th November 2022 Event and Results

A perfect day on a very well maintained Etchinghill GC sadly did not reflect in the scores as members struggled with wet conditions (due to recent heavy rain). Taking everything in his stride and claiming pole position after last months frustrating 2nd place; Gareth Venables with 36pts, closely followed by John Knight 35pts pipping Paul […]

Canterbury GC Thursday 13th October 22 Society Challenge

On the day… Thursday 13th October22 Start times   Payment £32.50 per person includes Golf, Coffee & Bacon rolls and Lunch Starling Bank, Sort code: 60-83-71, Acc: 57817774, Carl Bolton ID BACs payment “CGC[your name]” Payment/attendance confirmation no later than: 1st October 22 Handicap update EGHC (England Golf Handicaps) use app for slope index correction, […]