2024 Fixtures

The following fixtures have been booked for the 2024 season. All matches played on the last Friday of the month (Stableford) unless stated otherwise.

Membership: £15 per year (2024 membership due before you play your first match or no later than 1st April 24). New members joining after 1st July £5.00

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Look out for the WhatsApp ‘YES/NO’ message and reply accordingly.

2024 Fixtures

DateVenueFood1st T-off fromStatusNotes/Winner
Fri 26th Jan Littlestone Warren9.00 full English10.06bookedwinner: Rhys Hywell-Batty
Fri 23rd FebSheerness9.30 full English10.30bookedcancelled - waterlogged
Fri 29th MarchLydd9.00 full English10.00bookedwinner: Kevin Mullins
Fri 26th April St Augustine's9.30 full English10.30bookedcancelled: attendance
Fri 17th MayBroome Park
Wear Blue for Ethan
9.00 bacon rolls (HWH)10.30 (shotgun)bookedwinner: Ian Horsham
Fri 31st MaySheerness9.30 full English10.30bookedwinner: Ian Neary
Fri 28th June Faversham10.30 full English11.30bookedwinner: Mark Blundell
Fri 26th JulyLullingstone9.00 full English10.00booked
9/10th AugWensum Valley (Fri/Sat)food suppliedsee web page
Fri 30th AugSene Valleyfood TBA1.00pmbooked
Fri 27th SepSittingbourne10.00 bacon rolls11.00booked
Fri 25th OctUpchurch River Valley10.00 full English11.00booked
Fri 29th NovCobb Tree Manor9.00 full English10.00booked
Fri 13th DecChestfield10.00 bacon rolls11.00 + xmas mealbooked

Notes: Please be aware that some courses (especially in the winter) may not allow buggies/trolleys. Contact the golf club directly to check local conditions. Host golf club rules including Covid 19 restrictions, etiquette, dress code and course rules must be adhered to. All members and guest should ensure they are covered by the appropriate insurance.

2023 Fixtures

DateVenueFood1st T-off fromStatusNotes/Winner
Fri 27th Jan Westgate9.30 full English10.30playedwinner: Kevin Mullins
Fri 24th FebLittlestone Warren8.30 full English9.26playedwinner: Simon Fowler
Fri 31st MarchLydd9.10 full English10.10playedwinner: Gareth Venables
Fri 28th April Chestfield10.30 full English11.48playedwinner: Mick Bevan
Fri 26th MayBoughton9.00 full English10.00playedwinner: Simon Fowler
Fri 30th June St Augustine's
Wear Blue for Ethan
9.30 full English10.30playedwinner: Ian Horsham
Fri 28th JulyWalmer/Kingsdown12.00 lunch1.06pmplayedwinner: Paul Sequenza
AugMeon Valley weekendfood suppliedsee web pageplayedwinner: Nigel Stevenson
Fri 25th AugSene Valley1.00pm lunch1.54pmplayedwinner: Simon Fowler
Fri 8th SepDickieDo@ Canterburyfood supplied10.00playedAir Ambulance
Fri 29th SepLeeds Castle9.30 full English (Bow Window)10.58 (9)+13.32 (9)playedwinner: Roy Z Coveney
Thur 12th OctCanterbury: SE Society Challengeplayed
Fri 27th OctUpchurch River Valley10.30 full English11.15playedwinner: Tony Clark
Tue 21st NovAGM - The Crown, Sarre 7.00
Fri 24th NovRed Libbetts9.45 full English10.44playedwinner: Simon Fowler
Fri 8th DecCanterbury8.30 full English9.30playedwinner: Alan Mountain
Fri 8th DecChristmas meal