Society Rules

The society plays its matches to the R and A rules of golf and any local rules relevant to the course and conditions. However, the committee has made some society rule changes to help speed up the rounds and assist with course issues that will help the less experienced higher handicapper.

Rule changes (society events only, local rules take priority)

  • Handicaps: Your handicap will be defined by your EGHC (England Golf Handicaps) World Index from the beginning of the season, or 1st event for new members, or by the skipper for non-EGHC users. Thereafter the only time this will change is:
  1. if you win – minus 2 strokes
  2. if you score 29 points or less – plus 1 stroke


  • Preferred lie (fairway only) relief from divots: 6″ from the ball position, no closer to the green, do not clean the ball – no penalty


  • Gimmes: no gimmes


  • Out of bounds and lost ball: relief 2 club length in from the edge of the fairway adjacent to ball entry point – 2 shot penalty (see diag below)


  • Disputes/questions/suggestions: please refer any disputes, questions or suggestions to the secretary so the issue can be discussed by the committee. See contact page
  • AGM: all members will be given the opportunity to discuss the society and how it is managed at the AGM, usually held October/November. Notification of the date/time/venue will be announced via the members WhatsApp group.