Dear member

Bob McDougal
Welcome to the 2023 season of golfing events put together by our new skipper Bob McDougal and the St Stephen’s Golf Society committee members.
Starting off with our first event at Westgate GC, the 2023 fixtures are almost complete including Lullingstone GC, Upchurch River Valley GC and Red Libbetts GC revisited after a few years absence from the calendar.
Sadly, all the hosts have put their prices up for 2023 so there’s a match fee increase of £1.00 to £40.00 for all events.
Dale Hill has the overnight stay option after last years success. The Wear Blue for Ethan charity day moves to St Augustine’s GC in June. Ricky Woolley follows up his ‘Player of the year’ status, taking a record number of members to Meon Valley GC in August. The usual charity events and society challenges will also be made available as dates are issued by the organisers.
Congratulations to all the 2022 competition winners, hopefully we will see some new names on the awards this time next year
Please ensure:
- you pay your £10.00 membership before Friday 27th January 2023
- you change the event payment to £40.00 (unless stated otherwise)
- respond to other events published on the WhatsApp groups if interested (and complete payment within the timescale required)
- turn up to fixtures at least 15 minutes before breakfast (so Bob can organise the groups)
- let Bob know 48hrs in advance if you have any special requirements (leave early, bringing a guest, breakfast requirements etc)
- you are insured to play golf (golf courses and/or the society do not insure you)
- you are dressed accordingly for the venue
Also be aware that the society had an additional 10 new members join in 2022. With 6 tee times booked for all events, if the numbers exceed 24 and the club can’t accommodate the additional numbers (excluding the Wear Blue for Ethan charity day) the club has a first come, first serve policy.
Contact the secretary if you have any questions
Other pages of interest:
- Club history and the old club website
- 2023 Fixtures
- AGM minutes and other club info (password protected)