It was no surprise that one of the toughest courses on the St Stephen’s GS fixtures list took its toll as members struggled on this famous Henry Cotton golf course.
Simon Fowler (28HC) romped home as winner for the 3rd time this year with 37 points, second Pete Kenehan (15HC) was clear of the chasing pack with 35 points and Paul Sequenza was awarded third place after a 4 player count-back on 32 points.
On-course spot prizes went to Gareth Venables, Pete Kenehan and Alan Mountain (nearest the pins) and new member Dave Sears smashed a 300 yard 3 wood to take the longest drive.
In the cup Ian Horsham beat Paul Sequenza 2 and 1 in a very close match, Tony Clark humbled Mick Jackson 8 and 6. see KO cup page
2s club cash went back into the charity pot along with the sweep stake, kindly donated by the winners Nigel Stevenson and Pete Kenehan
The wooden spoon went to Mark Blundell
Photos courtesy Alan Mountain