Upchurch River Valley GC – 27th June 20

All members attending Upchurch River Valley GC Society Day PLEASE READ. If in doubt, call Nigel 07931 376255 see: Society Covid Rules Please read the following restrictions and requirements. Members to confirm availability by replying to Paul’s text message IF YOU DO NOT REPLY WE WILL ASSUME YOU DO NOT WANT TO ATTEND Member to […]

Mid-week comp: Boughton GC Friday 10th July from 1.52pm

L/R Paul Sequenza, Kevin Mullins, Antony Back, Andy Oxberry

[June event cancelled] First of the mid-week competitions that will run (independent from the Saturday comps) through to December 2020. As this is the inaugural competition the match day fee will be at cost so pay directly to the pro-shop on arrival – £20.00 What are you playing for? On the day: prizes for 1 […]

Members mid-week golf survey

We’ve been asked by several members in the past about mid-week society golf days plus we are aware of several members already playing casual or other society mid-week golf. If you are interested in joining St Stephen’s society members for a structured mid-week series of events, complete the form below so we know roughly what […]

Broome Park GC May 2020

Looking down the leader board it was obvious to all members attending that the Covid 19 lock-down exposed some rusty golfers with only 6 returning Stableford scores of 30+ points. The front 9 holes proving to be the hardest with the wind and deep rough affecting playing conditions. A consistent Kevin Oxberry (18hc) 37 points, […]

Broome Park GC May 20 PLEASE READ

All members attending Broome Park GC Society Day PLEASE READ. If in doubt, call Nigel 07931 376255 see: Society Covid Rules We are very glad to announce that the Broome Park society day 30th May 20 is going ahead but with the following restrictions and requirements. Members to confirm availability by replying to Paul’s text […]

Corona virus information

This page will be used to keep members up to date with society day info. We have already spoken to Littlestone GC about the March 2020 event and will continue to monitor government advice and feedback from members. The committee will make a decision in the coming week and advise all members via Paul’s text […]

Golf Insurance – must have

REMINDER – It is up to all members to have their own insurance to cover themselves for personal liability, ie: death or injury caused by your use of golf equipment and damage to 3rd party property. We hear a lot of members say they are “insured by the golf course”. Are you? What for? Members […]

Westgate GC February 2020

The weather was always going to affect the Westgate fixture with heavy rain and strong winds forecast. The lead 4 ball group trudged off after just 7 holes as the rain lashed down on this exposed Kent coast course. The remaining members battled on as the rain turned to hailstones, then as if a light […]