Andy Oxberry (right) receiving the winners shield for most points from chairman Kevin Mullins at Canterbury GC
The 2019 season saw the continued success of both the highest total score, best average (7) and Knock Out Cup competitions. All 3 events played every month over the past year were closely fought with the Oxberry brothers taking all 3 prizes.
Highest points shield
The coveted highest points shield represents both high attendance and high scoring with older brother Andy Oxberry (10hc) this years winner with a staggering 342 points over 11 society matches, Paul Sequenza (18hc) was just 17 points adrift with 325 and Nigel Stevenson (20hc) just edging Dave Taylor (9hc) and Alex McBeth (20hc) with a third place 312 points.
Best average shield
The best average shield was competed over the best of 7 events this year and again Andy Oxberry put together an amazing average of 36.71 beating Dave Taylor by just 0.86pts, Paul Sequenza took third with a very close average of 35.71. all three members playing some very consistent golf on a mixed bag of courses and weather conditions.
KO cup
The knock out cup also played over the past 10 months was won by little brother Kevin (18hc) who collected the new KO Cup trophy and £80 prize money.
There was also a presentation to Andy Oxberry who stood down as handicap secretary after 3 years. The chairman in his speech said that Andy had created a handicap system that had proved to work successfully bringing both low and high handicap members onto the podium. Andy was presented with an inscribed pewter mug.
This years presentation was held at Canterbury Golf Course and all prizes were presented by club chairman Kevin Mullins.
See leader tables: st-stephens-golf.co.uk/results and event winners: st-stephens-golf.co.uk/2019-fixtures-and-event-winners