ALL MEMBERS: The 2021 Annual General Meeting will be at:
The Local www.thelocalchartham.com 7.00pm, Tuesday 23rd November 2021.
- Who should attend? All members
- Why? Your chance to have a say about how your society is run
- What’s on the agenda?
- Election of officers inc the new skipper for 2022
- Finances and society budget
- Sponsorships
- 2022 prizes
- 2022 fixtures and golf breaks (see fixtures)
- Rules
- Handicaps
This will be the first AGM in 2 years due to the Covid 19 pandemic, the steering group of Simon Fowler, Carl Bolton, Nigel Stevenson, Paul Sequenza and Kevin Mullins are all up for re-election to form an official committee that will guide the society through 2022 and beyond.
Please confirm your attendance by completing the club survey and answer a few short questions to help us create a better society
Attendees (confirmed)
- Kevin Mullins
- Nigel Stevenson
- Carl Bolton
- Paul Sequenza
- Simon Fowler
- Howard Turbitt
- Chris Snell
- John Knight
- Andy Stevenson
- Karl Robson
Food will be supplied