Upchurch River Valley Fri 27th Oct

2nd place Howard Turbitt on the 13th

The main event was not the golf at Upchurch River Valley but the spectacular weather that decorated a tough days golf for the St Stephen’s members.

It was a maiden win for Tony Clark (22hc) on 38 points leading the pack with a consistent 19/19 point round, followed in 2nd place by Howard Turbitt (15hc) on 37 points and ‘there’s only one’ Mick Bedford (23hc) in third on 36 points.

KO cup quarter finalists Ian Horsham (L) and Bob McDougall (R) with attester Paul Sequenza (C)

The KO cup is down to the last 8 with Ian Horsham knocking out the holder Bob McDougall in a 2 hole sudden death finale. Upchurch member John Knight beat Chris Snell 3 and 2.

Only 3 out of 6 spot prizes collected due to the course difficulty but Rhys Hywel-Batty made up for a poor round with the longest drive, Nigel Stevenson and Kingsley Williams won the 2 nearest the pins.

Chairman Kevin Mullins had nice surprise for his son’s birthday with the sweepstake cash prize winnings but the 2s club is a double rollover.

It was a painful first event for new member Andy Cook who had the honour of collecting the wooden spoon

next event: Redlibbets Golf Club GC Friday 24th November 2023

photos courtesy Alan Mountain