Tricky greens appear to thwart most of the society that attended the first of three matches this year at Chestfield Golf Course. It was therefore no surprise that Chestfield member and club skipper Karl Robson romped home with a glorious 39 points win followed by 9hc Antony Back on 35 points and on count back Ian Jackson 35 points taking 3rd.
Spot prizes were Longest Drive: Royston Gough, Approach Shot: Ian Jackson and Nearest the Pin Karl Robson

Skip Karl Robson and Steve Winder
It was also the last game for last years skipper Steve Winder who is emigrating to pastures new, all the very best to Steve and Mrs W on their new venture.
Steve has been with the club for 3 years and skippered to a very high standard last year.

Karl Robson and Ian Jackson who between them won 4 prizes