Above: Winners Paul Sequenza, Antony Back, Andy Oxberry and Kevin Mullins with Boughton GC event organiser/Marketing Director Carole Harradine
Over the past month the society has entered several local Golf Society Challenge matches to help raise money for charity and support local golf clubs.

L/R Paul Sequenza, Kevin Mullins, Antony Back, Andy Oxberry
19-10-18 Boughton Society Challenge: Boughton GC
(Report by Paul Sequenza)
Kevin Mullins playing his top game stole the show at the Boughton society challenge. Having to be cut from the society handicap of 30, down to 24 to enter the competition was tough for Mr Mullins, however with an incredibly impressive 7 pars he played out of his skin! Very few blobs by the team gave a great score, the handicap secretary also bringing in an above average 40 points to match Kevin. Paul and Antony Back playing steady on 35 and 34 respectively.
Winners by 2 points, prizes were a £100 golf wind cheater each and a trophy kept on display in Boughton club house, and being Kevins lucky day he also won a golf shop voucher in the raffle.

Winning scorecard

Final scoreboard
12-10-18 Dickie Leitch Charity Day: Canterbury GC

10 members attended the Dickie Leitch charity day
Old club favourite and all round good egg Dickie Leitch organises a yearly charity golf day and this year the society was well represented with 10 members attending. The official St Stephen’s team (Russel McKelvey, Nigel Stevenson, Martin Supply and Paul Sequenza) coming in on a 2 ball/better ball score of 85 just 2 shots behind the winners. Other members attending included: Mark Vintner, Antony Back, Andy Oxberry, Kevin Oxberry, Dave Gregory (caddy) and Pat Dawkins.
18-10-18 Canterbury Society Challenge: Canterbury GC
(Report by Paul Sequenza)

L/R Dave Gregory, Antony Back, Matt Elliott, Paul Sequenza
New boy and supersub Matt Elliott played his first game for 6 months being the Marshall at Boughton came in on 28 points using a handicap of 10 Anthony back handicap 10 came in on 35 pints Dave came in on 28 points myself Paul handicap 23 in on 31 points the game was tough there were a lot of hard competition players the winners were determined by the first score the second score and the worst score discarding the third score and the winners came in on 103 points winning some beer the competition was sponsored by shepherd Neame. Matt won nearest pin on 17