Wear Blue for Ethan and The MPS Society charity day
73 Canterbury St Stephen’s and Broadstairs Golf Societies members plus guests attended the annual ‘Wear Blue for Ethan’ charity day at Broome Park Golf Club near Canterbury. This was the 7th charity event hosted by Charity organiser Kevin Mullins who’s son is fighting an incredibly rare life limiting disease MPS [see www.facebook.com/hope4ethan].
The individual winner on the day was Martin Hilden on 37 points, the four ball challenge was won by Team Taff: Carl Bolton, Rhodri Walters, Gerry Benson and Tudor Morgan. There were also on course spot prizes for nearest the pins, longest drive and nearest the pin approach.
The post golf auction raised over £3,000 with 4 ball golf vouchers generously donated by golf courses around Kent.
Vouchers and Awards presented by Ethan