For once the golf took second place to Ethan, our youngest member who due to a very rare medical condition requires special medical support. Saturdays society day was all about helping Ethan, dad Kevin Mullins and mum Katrina to raise awareness and funding to help Ethan on his brave journey and his fight against MPS (see: www.facebook.com/hope4ethan)
Skipper Karl Robson put the day together and through the raffle, prize money donations and spot prizes the society managed to raise over £600 on the day. You can add to this via Ethan’s Just Giving page.
The society would also like to thank Chestfield GC club pro Warren Bennett, Stewart (catering) and all the staff who also helped us make this day very special for Ethan and his family.
Match day results
With all the prize money going to Ethan’s charity members were playing for pride and top of the pride list was senior member and club chairman Dave Gregory with an emphatic 43 points just a point ahead of Mike Barham on 42 points, third place went to our handicap secretary Andy Oxberry on 39 points.
Mike also won the 2’s club with an eagle along with new member Sean Rutt. Other spot prize winners were again Mike with a 340+ yard drive for longest drive, Ian Sills took nearest the pin and new member Wayne Walton nearest the pin on the approach shot.
In the cup it was also a very close day with Alex McBeth narrowly beating Karl Robson after a sudden death on the 18th, Andy Oxberry beat Paul Sequenza but the third match was a tie between Paul Rayner and Jason Robson with a re-match to be played.