Lydd GC 29th March 24

One of the most revered courses on the St Stephen’s fixture list, Lydd didn’t disappoint with 30mph crosswinds but no rain! Kev Mullins (27Hc) romped home with 36 points, 3 points clear of 2nd place Ian Horsham (15Hc) and Martin Hilden (23Hc) split on a countback decision on 33 points each. Tony Peacock picked up […]

Welcome to 2024 – News and Events

Welcome to the 2024 season of golfing events put together by our new skipper Simon Fowler and the St Stephen’s Golf Society committee members. Starting off with our first event at Littlestone Warren GC, the 2024 fixtures are almost complete including new courses: Sheerness, Faversham, Lullingstone Park and Cobb Tree Manor. Sadly, all the hosts […]

Littlestone Warren 26th Jan 24

It’s a first for Rhys Hywell-Batty (18hc) on 35 points at the inaugural 2024 society day for St Stephen’s Golf Society. With the new ‘fixed’ handicap system in place, members struggled with the wind, winter greens and water hazards at Littlestone Warren GC. In 2nd place veteran golfer Mark Blundell (28hc) 33 points just nudged […]

Upchurch River Valley Fri 27th Oct

The main event was not the golf at Upchurch River Valley but the spectacular weather that decorated a tough days golf for the St Stephen’s members. It was a maiden win for Tony Clark (22hc) on 38 points leading the pack with a consistent 19/19 point round, followed in 2nd place by Howard Turbitt (15hc) […]