With the 2020 season well under way club skipper Nigel Stevenson requested that all members refresh their golf knowledge especially the new rules introduced in January 2019.
See: www.randa.org/News/2018/03/New-Rules-of-Golf-unveiled-by-The-RA-and-USGA
Two important changes…
- Out of Bounds or Lost Ball
The society has adopted the following rule:“Balls Lost or Out of Bounds: Alternative to Stroke and Distance: A new Local Rule will now be available in January 2019, permitting committees to allow golfers the option to drop the ball in the vicinity of where the ball is lost or out of bounds (including the nearest fairway area), under a two-stroke penalty. It addresses concerns raised at the club level about the negative impact on pace of play when a player is required to go back under stroke and distance. The Local Rule is not intended for higher levels of play, such as professional or elite level competitions.” R ans A
The societies interpretation of this rule is: for lost or out of bounds balls, the player agrees the point of entry with his playing group, takes a drop up to 2 club lengths no closer to the pin from the cut/edge of the fairway – 2 PENALTY SHOTS. - Divot relief:
In addition and as a trial for 2020, the skipper has introduced a Society Day only rule allowing relief should your ball lie in a fairway (only) divot. Members can take a free drop up to one clubs length no closer to the pin.
- Out of Bounds or Lost Ball