About St Stephen’s Golf Society
St Stephen's Golf Society are affiliated to St Stephen’s Community Association.
St Stephen’s Social Club is a Bar Club that offers it’s members a range of benefits, including free Live entertainment in the evenings, a pool table, darts and an outside area to sit or play Bat and Trap. The bar is large and spacious which is also ideal for hiring for staff parties, weddings, wakes, etc.
Golf Society
The golf society was established 6 years ago when a group of friends started playing once a month on a Saturday morning. That friendly group has now grown to over 30 members playing friendly 'Stapleford' matches at golf courses all around Kent.
The future
Founder members still play every month and are looking to expand the society to like minded local golfers. If you would like to join us? click here
Past 'Shield' Winners
Played over the year, best 8 Stableford rounds from 11.
- 2016: Jason Robson
Runners up:
Alex McBeth
- 2015: Will Scull
Runners up:
Royston Gough
- 2014: Mark Delo
Runners up:
Mark Burns/Nigel Stevenson
- 2013: Chris Adams
Runner up: Mark Burns
- 2012: Tim Epps
Runner up: Chris Gough
- 2011: Chris Gough
Runner up: Chris Adams
- 2010: Trevor Bailey
Runner up: Ady Gough
- 2009: John Bundock
Runner up: Mark Delo
- Captain: Alex McBeth
- Treasurer: Ady Gough/Sandra Bundock
- Handicap Sec: John McNeil
- Club/Fixture Sec: Nigel Stevenson
Club Sponsors